Student Account Holds FAQ

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Financial Hold

What is a Financial Hold?

A financial hold is placed on your student account if you have an outstanding balance or have not made satisfactory arrangements to pay your semester charges by the due date. This hold blocks course registration.

What happens if I don't pay my balance by the semester due date?

If your balance remains unpaid by the semester due date, a financial hold will be placed on your account. This hold will block you from adding classes.

To avoid a financial hold, ensure your balance is paid in full or that payment arrangements are made by the deadline.

Why do I still have a financial hold on my account after paying my term balance?

If you paid your outstanding balance by check or e-check, there is a 5-day waiting period. The financial hold will remain in place for 5 days. Financial holds will be automatically released after the 5-day waiting period for check/e-check payments.

How can I remove a financial hold from my account?

To have a financial hold removed, you must:

  • Pay the outstanding balance in full

Financial holds will be released when the outstanding balance is paid in full. If you have paid by check/e-check, there is a 5-day waiting period for check/e-check payments. The financial hold will remain in place for 5 days. Financial holds will be automatically released after the 5-day waiting period for check/e-check payments.

Can I add classes if I have a financial hold?

No, if there is a financial hold on your account, you cannot add classes.


Unsuccessful Check Hold

What is an Unsuccessful Check Hold?

An Unsuccessful Check Hold is placed on a student’s account if two or more checks/e-checks payments are returned or deemed unsuccessful. Once this hold is placed, it is permanent and cannot be lifted. You will be prevented from using checks/e-checks for payments.

A notification will be sent to the student to inform them that a hold has been placed due to unsuccessful check payments.

How Can I Pay After an Unsuccessful Check Hold is Placed?

After the unsuccessful check hold is placed, you will need to use one of the following payment methods for payments:

  • Certified Funds:
    • Bank Cashier's Check
    • Money Order
  • Online Payment Portal:
    • Domestic Wire Transfer
    • Credit Card (Please note: a service fee applies for credit card payments)

For information, please visit 'Paying Your Bill'.
